Saturday 18 October 2014

NAIB: Ringkas KERJANYA Tentera Laut anak Biden BERAKHIR selepas UJIAN positif KOKAIN . . .

Naib Presiden Amerika Syarikat Joe Biden (dariKanan) menunjuk ke ada muka di khalayak ramai dengan anaknya Hunter (U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (R) points to some faces in the crowd with his son Hunter (Reuters/Carlos Barria)

Njulaina - Anak Wakil Presiden Joe Biden Hunter telah dilepaskan daripada Rizab Tentera Laut Februari 2014 selepas gagal ujian dadah yang hadir positif kokain hanya sebulan selepas pentauliahan itu, ia telah diturunkan.

Memetik Tentera Laut, Wall Street Journal melaporkan bahawa Hunter Biden telah ditauliahkan sebagai sebuah panji pada 7 Mei, 2013, dan ditugaskan untuk Tentera Laut Hal Ehwal Awam Sokongan Elemen Timur di Norfolk, Virginia, sebuah unit simpanan. Pada bulan berikutnya dia diberi ujian dadah, yang keluar positif kokain. Berdasarkan kepada keputusan, Biden telah dilepaskan pada bulan Februari.

Hunter Biden, 44, anak bongsu dpd Naib Presiden, tlh mengeluarkan satu kenya-taan pd Khamis berkata beliau "malu" dgn keluarnya cairan pentadbiran beliau, tetapi dia tidak berkata apa yang mendorong keputusan Angkatan Laut Reserve.

"Ia adalah satu penghormatan kepada kehidupan saya untuk berkhidmat dalam Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat, & saya sangat menyesal & malu bahawa tindakan saya membawa kpd pelepasan pentadbiran saya," kata Biden dlm satu kenyataan yang disampaikan oleh peguamnya. "Saya menghormati keputusan Angkatan Laut. Dengan kasih sayang & sokongan dari keluarga saya, saya bergerak ke hadapan."

Jurucakap Tentera Laut Komander Ryan Perry juga telah mengesahkan bahawa Biden telah dilepaskan daripada Rizab Tentera Laut pada Februari 2014. Perry menjelaskan bahawa undang-undang privasi melarang dia dari melepaskan apa-apa maklumat lanjut.

"Seperti pegawai rendah yang lain, butiran Ens. Pelepasan Biden tidak releasable kerana Akta Privasi, "katanya.

Pejabat Naib presiden enggan mengulas.

Tanpa perkhidmatan tentera sebelum, Hunter Biden membuat keputusan untuk meneruskan kerjaya tentera, mengikuti jejak dari kakek beliau.

Beliau memulakan proses dail komisen untuk menjadi seorang pegawai awam-urusan dalam Simpanan Tentera Laut pada tahun 2012.

VICE: Biden SON’s brief Navy CAREER Ended 
After positive Cocaine TEST . . .

US Vice-President Joe Biden’s son Hunter was discharged from the Navy Reserve in February 2014 after failing a drug test that turned up positive for cocaine just a month after his commissioning, it’s been revealed.

Citing the Navy, the Wall Street Journal reported that Hunter Biden was commissioned as an ensign on May 7, 2013, and assigned to Navy Public Affairs Support Element East in Norfolk, Virginia, a reserve unit. The following month he was given a drug test, which came out positive for cocaine. Based on the results, Biden was discharged in February.

Hunter Biden, 44, the younger son of the vice-president, has issued a statement Thursday saying he was “embarrassed” by his administrative discharge, but he did not say what prompted the Navy Reserve's decision.

"It was the honor of my life to serve in the US Navy, and I deeply regret and am embarrassed that my actions led to my administrative discharge," Biden said in a statement delivered by his lawyer. "I respect the Navy's decision. With the love and support of my family, I'm moving forward."

Navy spokesman Commander Ryan Perry has also confirmed that Biden was discharged from the Navy Reserve in February 2014. Perry explained that the privacy laws barred him from releasing any details.

“Like other junior officers, the details of Ens. Biden’s discharge are not releasable due to the Privacy Act,” he said.

The vice-president’s office declined to comment.

With no prior military service, Hunter Biden decided to pursue military career, following in the footsteps of his grandfathers.

He began the direct-commission process to become a public-affairs officer in the Navy Reserve in 2012.

Presiden Amerika Syarikat, Barack Obama (dariKiri-dariKanan) Naib Presiden Joe Biden dan anak Biden Hunter Biden  (U.S. President Barack Obama (L-R), Vice President Joe Biden and Biden's son Hunter Biden (Reuters/Jonathan Ernst)

"Tahun ini, saya tak sabar untuk berdiri dengan anak kami, Hunter, apabila dia ditauliahkan sebagai sebuah panji dalam Tentera Laut Amerika Syarikat," kata Jill Biden, isteri naib presiden dan ibu Hunter, pada tahun 2012.

Hunter Biden diperlukan surat pernyataan untuk menyertai Angkatan Laut, karena usianya, 43, pada masa itu. Hunter juga memerlukan pengabaian Tentera Laut yang ke-2 akibat insiden yg berkait dengan dadah ketika ia masih seorang pemuda, kata laporan itu, dengan alasan "orang-orang biasa dengan perkara itu."

Hunter Biden telah disyorkan untuk komisen langsung - satu program yang mem-bolehkan merekrut orang awam tidak mempunyai latar belakang tentera - selepas satu temu bual dengan lembaga pegawai Tentera Laut, Tentera Laut berkata, menurut WSJ. Calon-calon yang mempunyai kemahiran yang diperlukan yang diperlukan untuk mengikuti program latihan selama 2 minggu di Rhode Island.

Dalam kes gagal ujian dadah, kakitangan tentera laut tidak menerima pelepasan terhormat, tetapi sebuah "selain terhormat" atau pelepasan "umum". Tidak dike-tahui siapakah di antara mereka yang diterima sebagai Biden Angkatan Laut tidak melepaskan status pegawai berpangkat rendah atau kakitangan tamtama junior.

BACA lagi: Anak AS VP Joe Biden dilantik lembaga utama syarikat gas Ukraine READ MORE: Son of US VP Joe Biden appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company

Seorang peguam & bekas pelobi, Hunter Biden menjadi berita utama awal tahun ini apabila ia mengumumkan bahwa ia bergabung dgn lembaga pengarah Burisma Holdings, pengeluar gas swasta yg terbesar Ukraine. Berita itu bertepatan dengan pertunangan VP dlm perbincangan diplomatik dengan Ukraine pada ketika krisis politik di sana itu tumbuh.

Joe & Jill Biden bangga dgn latar belakang tentera keluarga mereka. Anak mereka yang lain, Delaware Peguam Negara Beau Biden, bertugas di Iraq sebagai kapten di Delaware Tentera Pengawal Kebangsaan selama setahun. Putri mereka Ashley bergabung dengan Pusat Delaware Keadilan sebagai pengarah eksekutif syarikat sekutu pada tahun 2012.

“This year, I’m looking forward to standing with our son, Hunter, when he is commi-ssioned as an ensign in the United States Navy,” Jill Biden, the vice-president’s wife and Hunter’s mother, said in 2012.

Hunter Biden needed a waiver to join the Navy, because of his age, 43, at the time. Hunter also required a second Navy waiver due to a drug-related incident when he was a young man, the report said, citing “people familiar with the matter.”

Hunter Biden was recommended for a direct commission – a program that allows recruiting civilians without military background - after an interview with a board of Naval officers, the Navy said, according to the WSJ. Candidates with needed skills are required to attend a two-week training program in Rhode Island.

In case of failing a drug test, navy personnel does not receive honorable discharges, but an “other than honorable” or “general” discharge. It is not known which of them Biden received as the Navy does not release statuses of low-ranking officers or junior enlisted personnel.

A lawyer and former lobbyist, Hunter Biden made headlines earlier this year when it was announced that he joined the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The news coincided with the VP’s engagement in diplomatic talks with Ukraine at a time when a political crisis there was growing.

Joe and Jill Biden are proud of their family’s military background. Their other son, Delaware Attorney-General Beau Biden, served in Iraq as a captain in the Delaware Army National Guard for a year. Their daughter Ashley joined the Delaware Center for Justice as associate executive director in 2012.

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