Sunday 19 October 2014

PULUHAN Ribu Orang Untuk 'BRITAIN Keperluan Sebuah KENAIKAN Gaji' di LONDON (FOTO-VIDEO) . . .

Njulaina IBU Kota di United Kingdom di dlm cengkaman dlm 'Britain Keperluan sebuah Naik Gaji' perhimpunan yg diatur utk melihat berpuluh-puluh ribu penunjuk perasaan. Kongres Kesatuan Sekerja telah memanggil tindakan itu untuk menyer-lahkan sejauh mana nilai sebenar gaji pekerja telah menurun sejak krisis meletus.

Perarakan itu dipetakan melalui London & akan berakhir dgn perhimpunan di Hyde Park. TUC berkata sekurang-kurangnya 80,000 orang yang mengambil bahagian; polisi belum mengeluarkan perkiraan mereka lagi.

Juga akan ada perarakan di Glasgow & Belfast. Penunjuk perasaan menuntut kenai-kan upah dan mereka yg adil dalam pemulihan ekonomi yg mereka dapat melihat beberapa orang menikmati.

THOUSANDS Turn Out for ‘BRITAIN  Needs a Pay RISE’ 

The UK’s capital is gripped in ‘Britain Needs a Pay Rise’ rally that is set to see tens of thousands protesters. Trade Union Congress has called the action to highlight how far the real value of workers’ pay has dropped since the crisis broke out.

The march is mapped through London and will end with a rally in Hyde Park. The TUC says at least 80,000 people are taking part; police have not released their estimates yet.

There will also be marches in Glasgow and Belfast. The protesters are demanding an increase of wages and their fair share in the economic recovery they can see some people enjoying.

Penunjuk perasaan memegang pelekat seperti yang mereka berarak melalui pusat bandar London, Oktober 18, 2014 (Protestors hold placards as they march through central London, October 18, 2014 (Reuters/Toby Melville)

"Orang-orang telah mengalami luka sebenar dalam gaji mereka sekarang selama bertahun-tahun," penunjuk perasaan memberitahu RT. "Dan orang2 hanya muak. Mereka sudah cukup. Mereka tidak boleh mengatasi dan membayar bil-bil apabila gaji yang dipotong. Dan juga mereka marah. Mereka dapat melihat orang-orang di atas prestasi yang baik."

“People have been experiencing real cuts in their pay now for years,” a protester told RT. “And people are just fed up. They’ve had enough. They can’t cope and pay the bills when wages are being cut. And also they’re angry. They can see people at the top doing very well.”

"Mesej kami ialah selepas terpanjang dan terdalam gaji memeras yang tercatat dalam sejarah, sudah tiba masanya untuk menamatkan sekat-masuk yang telah membuat sebahagian besar daripada berkongsi dalam pemulihan ekonomi," kata Frances O'Grady setiausaha am Kesatuan Sekerja Kongres (TUC), iaitu persekutuan kesatuan sekerja utama di negara itu.

"Our message is that after the longest and deepest pay squeeze in recorded history, it's time to end the lock-out that has kept the vast majority from sharing in the economic recovery," said Frances O'Grady the general secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), a federation of the country's main trade unions.

Beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan berarak di sepanjang Victoria Embankment di tengah London, 18 Oktober 2014 (Thousands of protestors march along Victoria Embankment in central London, October 18, 2014 (Reuters/Toby Melville)

TUC memulakan kempen promosi yang luas dengan iklan dalam rangkaian sosial, Twitter dan YouTube; kesatuan menuntut gaji minimum yg lebih tinggi, komitmen yg meningkat kepada gaji yg hidup dan halangan kpd gaji eksekutif yg berlebihan.

"Rata-rata pekerja adalah £ 50 dalam seminggu lebih buruk dari pada 2007 dan 5 juta berpendapatan kurang daripada gaji yg hidup. Sementara itu, pengarah atas kini mendapat 175 kali ganda lebih daripada pekerja biasa, "kata O'Grady.

Ekonomi Baru Yayasan melaporkan bahawa isi rumah telah mengalami penurunan 15 % peratus dalam pendapatan sebenar mereka sepanjang tahun lalu, manakala Institut Kajian Dasar melaporkan bahawa gaji telah gagal utk mengimbangi inflasi sejak tahun 2008.

The TUC started a vast promotional campaign with ads in social networks, Twitter and YouTube; the unions are demanding higher minimum wages, an increased commitment to the living wage and curbs on excessive executive pay.

“The average worker is £50 a week worse off than in 2007 and five million earn less than the living wage. Meanwhile, top directors now earn 175 times more than the average worker,” O’Grady said.

The New Economics Foundation reports that households had experienced a 15 percent decline in their real incomes over the last year, while the Institute for Policy Research reported that wages had failed to keep pace with inflation since 2008.

"Jika ahli politik tertanya-tanya mengapa begitu banyak merasa tersisih dari proses demokrasi, mereka harus bermula dengan roti dan standard hidup mentega," kata Frances O'Grady. "Ekonomi yang mendapati wang untuk pemotongan cukai untuk orang kaya tamak dan bilik lembaga, manakala selebihnya menghadapi pemerasan gaji dan pemotongan besar kepada sistem kebajikan - yaitu yang setiap dari kita mungkin perlu - tidak lagi bekerja bagi semua pihak."

“If politicians wonder why so many feel excluded from the democratic process, they should start with bread and butter living standards,” Frances O'Grady said. “An economy that finds money for tax cuts for the rich and boardroom greed, while the rest face a pay squeeze and big cuts to the welfare system –that any of us might need – is no longer working for the many.”

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