Friday, 17 October 2014

GUNUNG berApi aktif di dekat JEPUN Reaktor NUKLEAR adalah ANCAMAN Keselamatan - PANEL . . .

Kenaikan asap gunung berapi dari Gunung Ontake, yang membentang Nagano dan Gifu wilayah, tengah Jepun, 30 September, 2014 (Volcanic smoke rise from Mt. Ontake, which straddles Nagano and Gifu prefectures, central Japan, September 30, 2014 (Reuters/Kyodo)

Njulaina - Sebuah gunung berapi Jepun tlh menafikan awal yg 2 reaktor nuklear yang ditempatkan dekat sarang aktiviti gunung berapi adalah selamat, menya-takan bahawa ia adalah mustahil untuk meramalkan letusan tepat di luar jangka masa beberapa hari.

Sendai loji kuasa nuklear di selatan Jepun dengan mudah boleh menjadi sumber bencana nasional harus letusan kawah berlangsung di salah satu gunung berapi sekitar berpose ancaman serta merta kepada laman web ini, Toshitsugu Fujii, ketua panel kerajaan ditugaskan pada gunung berapi ramalan letusan pada taklimat media pada hari Jumaat.

"Adalah tidak mungkin untuk meramalkan letusan sejak 30 hingga 40 tahun akan datang," kata Fujii. "Tahap diramal sangat terbatas." Beliau menambah bahawa ramalan boleh berlaku hanya dalam waktu jam atau hari.

Kenyataan beliau bercanggah dengan orang-orang dari pengawal selia nuklear yang bulan lalu berkata bahawa kedua-dua reaktor nuklear Sendai telah berfungsi dalam peraturan-peraturan keselamatan nuklear diletakkan di tengah-tengah tahun 2011 bencana Fukushima.

Mereka menyatakan bahawa tidak akan ada letupan dalam tempoh 30 tahun akan datang - yang apabila reaktor Sendai sampai ke akhir hayatnya.

Rancangan Jepun untuk memulakan semula reaktor nuklear Sendai tidak akan ter-pengaruh oleh letusan gunung berapi Gunung Ontake, kerajaan memberi jaminan pada akhir September, apabila 30 orang terbunuh dan berpuluh-puluh yang cedera.

"Ini adalah satu [letusan] stim yang didorong dan ia telah berkata adalah amat sukar untuk meramalkan," kata Ketua Setiausaha Kabinet Yoshihide Suga pada sidang akhbar sejurus selepas itu. Justru kurangnya kebolehramalan yang membim-bangkan. Penentang restart nuklear berkumpul lama selepas itu untuk menunjuk-kan terhadapnya.

"Tiada siapa yang tahu apabila bencana alam, termasuk gempa bumi dan tsunami akan menyerang. Hakikat bahawa mereka tidak boleh meramalkan letusan Gunung Ontake menyoroti bahawa "satu agenda, Yoshitaka Mukohara, kepada Reuters.

Abu berat letusan berikut akan membuat tumbuhan yang sukar untuk mencapai dan akan memberi kesan kepada Tokyo serta kawasan sekitarnya.

Perdana Menteri Shinzo Abe sedang mencari untuk memulakan semula reaktor kedua-dua bersama-sama dengan mana-mana daerah yang lain 46 yang mungkin dianggap selamat kuasa nuklear dianggap kunci kepada pemulihan ekonomi Jepun.

Malah sebelum bencana September, kebangkitan nuklear Jepun telah menyebab-kan kemarahan rakyat yang tidak puas. Kebimbangan nuklear kekal kukuh di Jepun sejak bencana Fukushima terbukti menjadi sejarah terburuk yang ke-2 di selepas Chernobyl, dgn proses pembongkaran yg diperkirakan akan berlangsung selama bertahun-tahun yang akan datang.

ACTIVE Volcanoes Near JAPAN Nuclear REACTOR 
are Safety threat – PANEL . . .

A Japanese volcanologist has refuted early claims that two nuclear reactors stationed near a hotbed of volcanic activity were safe, stating that it is impossible to predict an eruption accurately outside the time span of a few days.

The Sendai nuclear power plant in southern Japan could quite easily be the source of a national disaster should a cauldron eruption take place at one of the surrounding volcanoes posing an immediate threat to the site, Toshitsugu Fujii, head of a government-commissioned panel on volcanic eruption prediction told a press briefing on Friday.

“It is simply impossible to predict an eruption over the next 30 to 40 years,” Fujii said. “The level of predictability is extremely limited.” He added that prediction can happen only in the space of hours or days.

His statements contradict those of nuclear regulators who last month said that the two Sendai nuclear reactors were functioning within the nuclear safety regulations laid out in the wake of the 2011 Fukushima disaster.

They stated that there would be no eruption within the next 30 years – which is when the Sendai reactors reach the end of their lives.

Japan’s plans to restart the Sendai nuclear reactor won’t be affected by the volcanic eruption of Mt. Ontake, the government reassured at the end of September, when 30 people were killed and dozens injured.

“This was a steam-driven [eruption] and it has been said it was extremely difficult to predict,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told a news conference shortly afterwards. It is precisely this lack of predictability which is a cause for concern. Opponents of the nuclear restart gathered shortly afterwards to demonstrate against it.

“No one knows when natural disasters, including earthquakes and tsunamis will strike. The fact that they could not predict the Mount Ontake eruption highlights that,” one organizer, Yoshitaka Mukohara, told Reuters.

Heavy ash following eruption would make the plant difficult to reach and would impact Tokyo as well as the surrounding area.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is looking to restart both reactors along with any of the county’s other 46 which might be deemed safe as nuclear power is deemed key to Japanese economic recovery.

Even before the September disaster, Japanese nuclear revival was incurring the wrath of disgruntled citizens. Nuclear fears remain strong in Japan ever since the Fukushima disaster proved to be the second-worst in history after Chernobyl, with the decommissioning process expected to last for years to come.

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